Sunday, April 01, 2012

The Pear Blossem in 30 day.

I started running last week, in plans of running the pear blossem.
I did run threes day, with a top time of 22 minutes, with some foor problems.
I have about 30 day to get in shape for Pear Blossem run.
The plans was 29 minutes, but because of the short training time, just hoping for 34 minuts.
Up date. 4/1/2012
My training is going will, and I have add arch support to the shoe and I doing even better.
The shoes are about done for I have about 550 mile on this set, but its to close to the Pear Blossem to buy new ones and get them broke in, so I will make it another 3 week on these.
I have been training, based on time, starting at 20 minutes and going up each week by 5 minutes, I'm up to 40 minutes this week and the last real training week, next week will just be a warm up and then I run on Saturday at 7 AM.


Shannon said...

I think that it's cool that you are racing again after your injury. The offer is still open if you want to come down to the track to be timed.

Hills said...

Hey uncle dan, Jeff here. Good job on the Pear Blossom Run!!! That's cool - I've always wanted to run in that race and haven't been able to do it yet.