That is what Paul Harvey used to say. A radio commentator.
He told a story about this cargo ship in the 1950s that was used to move coffee beans. A very large ship, the bean were stored in the hole and on the deck in bags of 100 pounds each.
The ship was able to transport 1 million pounds of coffee beans.
The ship had to cross a large stretch of oceans to deliver the beans to a factory to be processed into grind coffee.
At the time of this trip the ship sailed in to hurricane and big one at that, the waves were so big that they came over the bow of the ship causing everything on deck and as will and every thing in the hole of the boat be become soaked.
The owners of the ship and cargo now had a million pounds of coffee beans that was wet.
And had this million pounds of beans stayed dry it would have be worth 2 million dollars.
Now it was going cost money to deposes the the wet beans.
So the owners had the beans off loaded at the docks so the ship could go on.
The Company's R and D team was told to find out what the beans could be used for if anything at all.
After much testing, they found that the beans were missing a key ingredient for coffee.
The caffeine was missing from the coffee beans.
The sea water that had washed over the deck had salt in it, and that had remove the caffeine.
So now we know how de-caffated coffee came about.
But the rest of my story is.
I took the hand gun to the State police and that was a story in its self.
I left the gun in the car and walk in and informed the lady behind 2 inch bullet prof-glass that I
had found a gun in the river on Saturday and that I would like to have the serial numbers run to see if it is a stoled gun and the gun is in the car.
There looked at me for about 3 minutes like, this has never happed before, so we have no ideal what to do.
A officer sir came out from the back office and started talking to me and I told my story of how that I had found it and He came around from behind the glass and we went out to the car.
I had place the gun in a z-lock bag to keep the oil off the seat.
So I opened the car door and handed the bag to the police and go back into the police station.
The police said is the a klock, He got a little exsitered till I told him that is was a XD-40.
There took the gun and told me to wait, a little later he came out with some paper work on how to keep some thing that was found worth more than a $100.
You have to report to the county clerk what you found then place and ad in newspaper for 3 weeks and then after 90 days you take the prof of the ad into the clerk and then you can keep what you found.
Will, it turns out that the gun was stoled in the Lane county area,(Eugine) and so it will go back to the owner of the gun or insurance company.
And that is the rest of the story from me.