Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Book Report Time, Gentleman of the Road

Gentleman of the Road, by Michael Chabon.
The story takes place in the land of Khazaria near the Caspian Sea.
The time period betweem 600 and 1000 AD.
Zelikman is a jewish doctor who has left is home land and wonders the county side with and huge Africa, by the name of Amran who carries a Viking ax by the name of Defiler of Your Mother.
They come across a prince by the name Filaq, who's family had been killed by the next ruling Bek(king).
They travel the roads of Khazaria till they come across an army from the capital city, and they take over the army and headed back to the city of Atil to take back the Prince family king seat.
A good story and with lots of funny things happing to them all the time.


Sutherlands said...

hmmm..maybe I'll read it...if our library ever opens again!

zachariah said...

Sounds interesting, refreshingly different.