Saturday April 26.A perfect day at the beach. Ben, Paul and myself diving at Mill beach in Brooking. Air temp was 70 degrees and water temp was 50 degrees. We had 15 to 20 vizes. Dove at low tide, 10 am. Left the house around 7:30 and pick Paul up in Grants Pass, and off to the coast. As aways we have to kick out to the best fishing spot, and it is aways about 400 feet out from the beach. We did really good going down to the bottom, when we hit the bottom we were all three they together. This never happens, normally. As you can see, Paul, finally got to spear some bottom rock fish. I think He got four fish on the first dive and maybe two on the second dive. Now Ben and myself, had a different story to tell. As we were starting out into the water Ben found that the rubber band had broken on his spear. So we had one spear between two dives, haha. So we had found some fish, and I was looking for one that I could get and I pull back and let it go, I was to far away, so it only half got him, and he swim away. Ben lost control at this point, and grab the spear from me and pick off the first one He saw. Ben got one and Dan zero. One the secound dive Ben nailed a 24 inch ling cod. I did get one sea trout, about 12 inch long, but theres a story about that in the next log. LOL
On April 26 Dominic Joel Bermea Dominic, was born at 6pm on Saturday to my daughter Molly and John. He was 7 lbs. 4 oz. and 21 inch long with blond hair. Born in Medford, at Rogue Valley Hospital.
Title: His Dark Materials, I, II and III. I had not planned on reading these, but there they where, so I started the story, and so I had to see how it ended. The story is not a bad story. But the writing style is just ok, it just did not flow as will as I thought it should have. Mrs. Coulter was her mean self, was mean all the time. The poler bear was cool and the different animals, they helped keep the story alive and interesting. Lyra, was this funny girl, that seem to have grown up in a rich family, and didn't know how to washer her hands and comb her own hair, all this by the time she was 12 years old. The thing about, fighting God and not believing in a God, is just a story line to build the stories around, and nothing more. And how it was ended, just when you think it is over it seem to run on, with to many lose end to pull together. I understand the start of a story is important, but the way it ends, is even more so, if you want to bring your readers back for more. I would not read it again. And I would only give it 2 stars out of 5 rating.
This picture was taken, from the Geocaching web page. And if you look closely you can see that she is carrying a torch, an Olympic torch in London parade. It turn out that she is a geo cacher and her geo dog. Retired Mathematician Geocaching handle is: Dorsetgal & GeoDog Live in Dorset, U.K. Reading Windy's blogg, she has lead a very interesting live.
On the 1st of April, I turned 51 years old or young depending on who you are talking to at the time. So now I am more than a half century old.:) What happed in the passed half century:
Man walked on the moon. Jet plane flight. Computers that fit on a desk. World Wide Web. Cell phones, for everyone. Cars and truck that can travel half million miles on one engine. These of the first thing that come to mind, I'm sure there others just as important.
On the 7th of April, I became a Grandpa, first time ever. Alexander Paul Sutherland was born at 5:11 AM in Medford, Oregon,to Robyn and Paul Sutherland. Weight of 6 pounds and 13 oz.
On the 9th of April, we met Chris Jentzsch at the Medford, airport, at 5:30am to see Him off on his mission for two years in Spain, northern part. To teach the gospel of Jesus Christ for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
On the 11th of April, I install a new well pumping system in the well on our place. The old pump had started leaking at the main shaft seal about 2 months ago and was all most spraying water to the door of the well house by the time I replace it. The old pump was install in the well in 1974. Only about 33 years, about 15 years more then it should of lasted. I replace every thing, meaning, the piping that goes down into the water, as will as the pump motor and pump it self, and the piping to the holding tank. It was a major jigsaw puzzle trying to get all the part together in one run to town. It took about 6 hours working as quick as I could, so that you would have time to go back to town and get, what ever you may have missed, before the store closes. After I got it all together, and turned on the pump it run beautiful till it came time to turn off and it started, turn on and off repeatedly. This is really hard for the motor to do this, over and over, they get hot and burn up in less then and hour or so. I had to do some out of the box thinking to figure out what was happing. The pump, when it came out of the box, it had the pressure switch mounted to it with the read line, hook to the pump head. Bad thing, this set up, it only reads pump pressure not the house pressure, which is were it should be reading, so, I had to pull the line and move it in front of the check valve to get house pressure reading. It worked great after that. Only had some very small pipe leaks, will go back Monday and finish it up these leaks.
The game has added a lot of new members, so we are seeing a huge number of finder, but on the other hand, these people are placing a lot of new caches.
To show you what I mean. I usually down load about 450 caches into my GPS, so if I'm going some place, I'm pretty much cover to to find a cache near by. About a year and half ago, that would cover a 75 to 80 mile circumference. But today, it only get me about 40 mile circumference. Thats good but, it seem that I'm seeing a lot of caches that really don't take you any place new, and cool. Lots of lamp post, and mico caches in the woods, not the best place for mico. in my opinion. What I mean is, they have got all the room in the world, and they have to hide a cache the size of a postage stamp. All these new cache are great for number building, so my numbers have grown pretty fast these days.
I went out today, and found 16 cache in about 4 hours, a great run.
3 FTFs 5 Mico. 9 Film canister 2 Big cache
This one cache I went to was way cool, had to work at it, even had to get around this rock. This was a FTF, it had been around about 3 week, the snow kept people away. CRAZY! This rock roll off the bank, in the last two days or so. But there was just enough room to get by on the right side. Only .3 of a mile to the cache from here. The rock was as tall as my car. LOL