This is what I found when I was coming back from picking up the only cache on the top. Rochelle and Holly laying down in the sun on Table Rock. Notices Rochelle feet, the weather was very nice the day we were up there.
This is Chris, 007, planning his next mission.Or maybe the new member of the Men In Black.Of course He is planning his mission haha.I understand He has a big mission in Spain, the norther part.This is top secret so keep this information to your self.He flies out on April 9, out of Medford, Oregon to MTC in Salt Lake for 2 week and off the Spain's MTC for more training.
This is Shannon at the Portland Temple on her wedding day. Looking beautiful as ever.She looks so happy.
This is Rochelle on a hike in the Portland wilds. This took place after Shannon's wedding.We had to walk the cake off, and of cores we waited till it was dark as it could get.We had one headlamp between the 5 of us, so the person in the middle of the group carried it and shine it on the ground so that we would all have some light to guide are feet.I did find one out of three geocache in the dark.
GeoCaching This is were I find all the geocache, just type in your zip code and see the nearest cache to you home.
HowStuffWorks How stuff works, is always interesting to me, or if you have any question.
Wikipedla Wikipedla-- is fun to read and look at what happed today in history.
Coral Sea Scuba & Water Sports This is the place I get my air fills and scuba gear, but if you check out the Resources tap, you can see what the weather and waves are doing in Brookings. And if look through the gallery pictures, you could see Dan, Ben and Randy
Maui Webcam It seems, the weather is never bad in Maui.
Sic-Toys Really easy fun sic toys to make from stuff you would find in the trash.
Shore Diving This is the dream link, places to dive from shore, no boat needed.
The Last but not least.LOL NUMA The place that Dirk Pitt can be found and buy the watch he wears.
A great book, loved it. Clive Cussler, best book so far. He ties in some sort of history thing about Genghis Khan. Dirk Pitt and Al Giordine, start saving the day right at the crack of the first page. It starts with a seiche wave thats 30 feet tall, and a old resreach ship(that moving about 15 mph)that is trying to out run this wave, that is moving at 100+ miles per hour. And when you just think there going to make it. They pull over, and stop to help this little fishing boat, to save the little fish men, and the pretty researcher. To save the crew of the fishing boat, Al bring over decompression chamber, and the crew of 5, squeeze inside just before the mighty wave hit the boat and knocks the chamber over board, into and 1000 foot deep lake. Meanwhile, Dirk Pitt puts on his diving gear and jumps off of the fishing boat because there is no room in the chamber and dives under the face of the 30 foot wave. Way cool.LOLOLOL You will have to read the book to see how it comes out.:)
Out caching today and was going after hard to get ones. Altitude was 3300 feet. The snow should have been gone, but guess what, lots of snow. There is two or three more caches down this road. I had planed on riding the mountain bike to the others, but guess what, it did not happen to day. The reason for the name, a bridge was washed out, about 3 miles down the road from here. Great little lake, called Miller lake, with a cache. All in and days fun. This Thomas Creek Road, the top. Just as you get to the green bridge in Applegate town, you turn left, before you cross the bridge. This one isn't washed out