This story starts out with Grape in the birthing center.
This area usually is dark and moist, these are the key factors.
They start out as cute little flowers, as most of use are in the beginning. This area is kept dark so that the moister that they receive will be used wisely, to help them grow into healthy
When the time is right the birthing
proses begins, and I bet you are wondering when that is, will a good sign of when this is to take place is when you see the top of the head poking out between the,(will I think you know what I'm talking about here, so I will go no farther with any more details).
There is a painful part of the birthing, that is require and that must take place to come out into the bright and shinning world, that is the cutting of the cord, so as to be able to separate the little ones from the birth parent.
This is done by a highly skilled
surgeon, who uses the sharpest of tools, so that the lest amount of pain is felt.
The little ones live in a nurser( as seem above) for a short time before moving in with the family.
pried is a short stay, maybe 24 hours at most, but they are watch over to make sure that the cat dose not play to hard with them or the dog eats them.
Now the tripe home is the most
impotent one, you go to the Vat Room and wait for the time to be call down the tube to there new families.
There are in the purest form at this time, being only juice, as we all know, families are the most Godly way to live with others, in the Grape community
The place were there live, is in condos, as can be seen below.
There is about 50 condos in a community.
Then one day there are called up to go to heaven, witch is the greatest thing that could every happen to good Grapes.
The top of the condos are opened and releasing all to inter the great O in the center of the face of the Great Lord Rochelle, who is the greatest and kindest of all the great ones.
With help from the lower being, Dan, who helps in the releasing of the Grape on to the the great O.
This season had 4
nursers and 50 condos.
The Tomato occult, keeps trying to move to the upper class of the Grape Community.
But with the occults, blood sacrifice, the Grapes will never let them move in.