Friday, October 15, 2010

Book Report "Wheel of Time"

Authur Robert Jordan
Book one: The Eye of the World

Book two: The Great Hunt.

Book three: The Dragon Reborn.

All good books.
Rand the main character and two other friends Mat and Perry are from the same little town and grew up together and each one seems to have there own special power and job to do in there world or in saving the world.
The stories seem to drag a little and then about the last 3 charter they have the big battle.
But the stories seem to improve in the later books, but I have only read 3 of the 13 books at this point.
Time will tell.


Randy and Pat Jentzsch said...

I just finished "wheel of time" and really liked it. It definitely receives an "A"!

fiona said...

I like those books a lot, too! Gotta read the last one still...

Sutherlands said...

Hmm..I'll have to give them a try. I need a new series!