Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Book Report Time, The Tipping Point.

The Tipping Point, by Maclcolm Gladwell.

How little thing can make a difference.

Its a story about how the Hush Puppies Shoes Company had almost gone broke in 1994,as sales were 30,000 pairs.
Then a bunch of kids in New York, start wearing them and, by the end of 1995, and the word of mouth only, there sales had jumped to 430,000 pairs.

Sesame Street programs for kids and Blue's Clues was shaped by the kids who watching the programs.
What was interesting, with kids of ages 5 years old and under, there interest would last longer, if there were able to watch the same episode 5 days in a role, instead of mixing up the episode through out the week.
The ideal was that kids like being able to guess what was going to happen next as they start to remember the
episode from the day before.
When a child was watching and found it enjoyable, it wasn't because it was fun, but that they were understand what was going on.
And when the child was not watching, it was not because there where bored, but that they did not understand the

Another interesting thing.
The human brain is only able to keep track of some many relationship between other persons.
So if you belong to a group of 5 person, then you would have to keep track of 10 separate relationships.
The 4 person you are talking with and 6 other two-way relationships, totaling 10 relationships.
So now, lets say, its 20 persons, 19 person that you talk to and 171 separate relationships.
Now lets step this up to the max, 150 person, this turns into 44,849 separate relationship, science believe this is the max that the human brain can keep track of.

And I'm lucky to remember who I talked to this morning. LOL

So this leads to the fact that organization that are controlled by one person, that reach 150 persons on the team, don't and can't function with out relationship problems between team members.

The armies largest groups are between 150 and 200 persons

The Gore factories, in the Delaware, have a rule, when the work teams reach 150 persons, they build a new building, and split the work force down to smaller teams.
They have some of the building across the parking lot from each other, but there smaller then 150 person in each building working together.
Gore company has about 10 buiding in the Delaware area.

The book is very interesting when they start talking about these items I wrote about here, there is a lot of other stuff you will have to read thought that was not so interesting.
I will gave it 2 1/2 stars out of 5.

1 comment:

Sutherlands said...

That is very interesting. I especially liked the part about why little kids like to watch the same thing over and over...or have you read the same book for the 100th time. It makes sense. That part about group relationships is interesting as well. Thanks for the review.
By the way...I noticed this is Ben's new bathroom book. :) haha