Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 3 and 4 of Steens Road Trip

On day 3 and 4.
I was at the base of Steens Mt. Rang.
Its a 60 mile loop up to 9700 feet.
So I drove the 3 miles in to Frenechglen to fuel up.
At only $5.00 gal. I only need about 4 gallons.
Only a 3 cache to day, but I do get a FTF on the highest cache in Oregon.

I saw this watch tower near a farm house, why?

The view from the road of the first canyon.

The great view from the rocks.

Look south at the hight point, 9733 feet.

Wild Horses lake, there is 3 people down there.

1 comment:

zachariah said...

Theres some sweet views from on top of the mountains. What's up with the watch tower, maybe it's for picking off offending deer out in the farmers fields...