I still doing this game/sport.
I'm up to 2300 finds, but my standing have slipped some.
I'm only the 135th out of 1600 in Oregon, these days.
Here are some of the last cache I got before going on vacation.
Lucky # 13
A Pleasant Crossing
Ditch This Cache
A Pleasant Game No More
Dixie Cache
I'm adding this funny picture of a cacher at a stingray park.

The GPSr, will work down to 9 feet for about 30 minutes with out any water damage, will, they don't really work because of the water will blocking the satellites
It looks like he is just below the surface, judging by the person in the back ground.
This is one of the those caches that require a picture to claim the find, but normal not under water.
Stingray City- Grand Cayman Islands