Thursday, January 15, 2009

A New Year, A New Name

Rochelle's idea wins out.
Thanks for the input and comments.

Life Happens While I'm.....................!

Will be laid to rest, and a new title lives on.

I've been slow at this, my computer got a bug in the operating system and crashed and only way to get around it was to load Vista, and get every thing set back up again.
I'm almost back were I was about 2 week ago.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


This guy is pretty much nuts.
I sure He made a lot of money on this jump.
(click on the link)


I looked at some of his other jump, some of the other did not turn out pretty at this on. LOL
The jump took place in Las Vegas on December 31, 2008.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Snow On The Road

This was taken just before Christmas on I-5 going to Grants Pass.
Looks worse then it really is.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Family And Christmas Go Together

We had a great time, everyone made in.
Ben, Molly and John, and Dominic, Robyn and Paul and Alex, Sam, Daniel.

This year we had the grand babies, this adds a new element to the season, that is a good thing I mean.

It made it hard on the parents, but they were glad to make the effort, and we all took turns holding the little guys.

This is the best picture I got, the other were dusted out for what ever reason.

The weather was snowing type, and it snowed on and off the two days or so of Christmas.
We have had more day of snow this year then years pasted.

I would say about 5 days of snow fall, at this time.
Most years we get, about 3 days of snow.
This is not piles of snow but, just days when the snow would stick, and build up, from 1/2 to 1.00 inch.

Friday, January 02, 2009

New Years Eve 2009

We stayed home this year and had and great evening.
The Ford boys, had fun to.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

What Happened ????

This guy had to be going 100 mph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Math Question:
A Backhoe weighing 8 tons is on top of a flatbed trailer and heading east on Interstate 70 near Hays, Kansas.

The extended shovel arm is made of hardened refined steel and the approaching overpass is made of commercial-grade concrete, reinforced with 1 1/2 inch steel rebar spaced at 6 inch intervals in a criss-cross pattern layered at 1 foot vertical spacing.

Solve: When the shovel arm hits the ove rpass, how fast
do you have to be going to slice the bridge in half?? (Assume no effect for headwind and no braking by the driver...)
Extra Credit: Solve for the time and distance
required for the entire rig to come to a complete stop after hitting the overpass at the speed calculated above?
Yes, you can neglect friction.

Books Read in 2008

Mormon Doctrine6++++
Mornon Doctrine++++9

The Children of Hurin+3
The Children of Hurin+3

Fire Ice+++4.5

The Tipping Point++3

Fire Ice+++4.5
Three Weeks with My Brother+++4

Undaunter Courage++5
Gentlemen of the Road+++2

His Dark Materials I, II, III 13++

Gentlemen of the Road+++2

The Great Divorce1 ++++
Treasure of Khan6 +++++

His Dark Materials I, II, III 13++
Star Trek, strange new worlds4+

The Chase4+++

The Great Divorce1 ++++

An Acceptable Time 4+++

Many Waters3++++

Star Trek, strange new worlds4+

The list of books for 2008 come to 15 books and total of 5600, pages a far cry from 15000 I have planed to read. A good try on my part.

An Acceptable Time 4+++