Aurthur's are Bodie & Brock Thoene (pronounced Tay-nee)
This is for books, one and two of the twelve.
One is called "First Light"
Two is called "Second Touch"
Its mostly about this blind beggar named Peniel, who meet Jesus and gain his sight, and what happens to him when He tell people how it happened, and what Simon the Pharisees thinks of the hole thing even when the table are turned.
And sweet, Lily who is a leper, that lives in the valley of Mak'ob, with 612 other lepers, and her mission to take a baby that is born there, and dose not have leperses and find a home for the bady to live.
Great insight into the jewesh laws and tradation.
This is a real tear jerker series. many time my heart would jump up into my throat.
So if don't want to cry, and read at the same time, don't read these books.